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Supply Chain Optimisation for Automotive Manufacturer

Supply Chain Optimisation

Table of Contents


To optimize the logistics and supply chain for a vehicle manufacturer, focusing on enhancing delivery performance, improving supplier relationships, reducing transportation costs, and refining inventory management. The objectives are:

  1. Strengthen Supplier Relationships
  2. Optimize Inventory Management for High-Demand Parts
  3. Reduce Lead Time
  4. Improve On-Time Delivery Rate
  5. Implement Cost-Effective Transport Solutions
  6. Prioritize Best Suppliers for Each Part Category
  7. Adopt Best Practices in Inventory Management

User Story

As the Head of Operations, I need to optimise our inbound logistics to ensure timely delivery of parts and components, reduce transportation costs and mantain optimal inventory levels at our warehouses. This will enable us to support Just in Time (JIT) manufacturing and enhance overall operational efficiency.

Target Audience

  1. Operations Director
  2. Supply Chain Managers
  3. Logisitcs Coordinators
  4. Procurement officers

Data Source

The data for this project is coming from a synthesized dataset based on hypothetical supply chain operations of an automotive manufacturer, incorporating various supplier and warehouse locations across Europe and the UK.



The dashboard can contain the following components, to prove a comprehensive overview of the supply chain performance, enabling stakeholders to make informed decisions and optimise operations effectively:

  1. Overview Section
  2. Supplier Performance
  3. Warehouse Inventory Management
  4. Transportation Efficciency
  5. Cost Analysis
  6. Delivery Efficiency
  7. Interactive Filters and Drill-Downs

DashBoard Mockups

What should the Dashboard Look like?

Some of the data visuals that may be appropriate in answering our questions include:

  1. Table
  2. Bar Chart
  3. Heatmap
  4. Line Chart
  5. KPI Card
  6. Scatter Plot
  7. Donut/Pie Chart

Warehouse Operations

Warehouse Operation



Supplier Performance

Supplier Performance



Tools Used

Tool Purpose
Excel Exploring the data
MySQL Server Cleaning, testing, and analyzing the data
Power BI Visualizing the data via interactive dashboards
GitHub Hosting the project documentation
Mokkup AI Designing the mockup of the dashboard




Data exploration notes

This is the stage where we scan the data for errors, inconcsistencies, bugs, weird and corrupted characters etc.

  1. The dataset contains 3000 records with information related to automotive logistics, including supplier details, part information, order dates, delivery dates, costs, and inventory details.
  2. There are no missing values in any of the columns, indicating a complete dataset.
  3. The dataset includes details about warehouse capacity and current inventory levels, which can be used to analyze inventory management efficiency and warehouse utilization.
  4. Various transport modes are used, including Air, Sea, Road, and Rail. The distribution and cost implications of these modes need further analysis.
  5. Outliers exist in numerical columns such as Quantity, UnitCost, TransportCost, TotalCost, and LeadTimeDays. These outliers need further analysis to decide whether to cap, remove, or treat them in some other manner.
  6. We need to examine the correlations between numerical variables to identify potential relationships, particularly between costs, quantities, lead times, and transport modes.
  7. We can also develop hypotheses related to supply chain performance, such as the impact of transport mode on costs and lead times, or the relationship between order quantities and total costs.

Data Cleaning and Testing

The aim is to refine the dataset to ensure it is structured and ready for analysis.

The cleaned data should meet the following criteria and constraints:

Below is a table outlining the constraints on our cleaned dataset:

Property Description
Number of Rows 3000
Number of Columns 18

And here is a tabular representation of the expected schema for the clean data:

Column Name Data Type Description
SupplierID INT Unique identifier for the supplier
PartID INT Unique identifier for the part
PartDescription VARCHAR(255) Description of the part
OrderDate DATETIME Date and time when the order was placed
EstimatedDeliveryDate DATETIME Estimated date and time of delivery
ActualDeliveryDate DATETIME Actual date and time of delivery
Quantity INT Quantity of parts ordered
UnitCost DECIMAL(10,2) Cost per unit of the part
TransportMode VARCHAR(50) Mode of transport used for delivery (e.g., Air, Sea)
TransportCost DECIMAL(10,2) Cost of transport
WarehouseID INT Unique identifier for the warehouse
WarehouseLocation VARCHAR(255) Location of the warehouse
WarehouseCapacity INT Capacity of the warehouse in terms of storage units
CurrentInventory INT Current inventory level in the warehouse
SupplierName VARCHAR(255) Name of the supplier
SupplierLocation VARCHAR(255) Location of the supplier
TotalCost DECIMAL(15,2) Total cost for the order (Quantity * UnitCost)
LeadTimeDays INT Lead time in days for the delivery

Transform and test the data

Before data transformation, a new database is created in the MySQL server. After the database is created, the raw data file is imported into the server using the table import wizard. After the import is complete, we can now being cleaning the data.

Convert Date Columns to DateTime format

CREATE TABLE Cleaned_Automotive_Logistics (
    SupplierID INT,
    PartID INT,
    PartDescription VARCHAR(255),
    OrderDate DATETIME,
    EstimatedDeliveryDate DATETIME,
    ActualDeliveryDate DATETIME,
    Quantity INT,
    UnitCost DECIMAL(10, 2),
    TransportMode VARCHAR(50),
    TransportCost DECIMAL(10, 2),
    WarehouseID INT,
    WarehouseLocation VARCHAR(255),
    WarehouseCapacity INT,
    CurrentInventory INT,
    SupplierName VARCHAR(255),
    SupplierLocation VARCHAR(255),
    TotalCost DECIMAL(15, 2),
    LeadTimeDays INT

INSERT INTO Cleaned_Automotive_Logistics (
    SupplierID, PartID, PartDescription, OrderDate, EstimatedDeliveryDate,
    ActualDeliveryDate, Quantity, UnitCost, TransportMode, TransportCost,
    WarehouseID, WarehouseLocation, WarehouseCapacity, CurrentInventory,
    SupplierName, SupplierLocation, TotalCost, LeadTimeDays
    SupplierID, PartID, PartDescription,
    STR_TO_DATE(OrderDate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s'),
    STR_TO_DATE(EstimatedDeliveryDate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s'),
    STR_TO_DATE(ActualDeliveryDate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s'),
    Quantity, UnitCost, TransportMode, TransportCost,
    WarehouseID, WarehouseLocation, WarehouseCapacity, CurrentInventory,
    SupplierName, SupplierLocation, TotalCost, LeadTimeDays
FROM Raw_Automotive_Logistics;

Correct Invalid Date Ranges

UPDATE Cleaned_Automotive_Logistics
SET EstimatedDeliveryDate = ActualDeliveryDate, ActualDeliveryDate = EstimatedDeliveryDate
WHERE EstimatedDeliveryDate > ActualDeliveryDate;

-- Verify corrections
SELECT * FROM Cleaned_Automotive_Logistics
WHERE OrderDate > EstimatedDeliveryDate OR EstimatedDeliveryDate > ActualDeliveryDate;

Handle Outliers

SET @row_num = 0;
SET @total_rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Cleaned_Automotive_Logistics);
SET @percentile_1 = 0.01 * @total_rows;
SET @percentile_99 = 0.99 * @total_rows;

FROM Cleaned_Automotive_Logistics
WHERE Quantity < (
  SELECT MIN(Quantity)
  FROM (
    SELECT Quantity,
           @row_num = @row_num + 1 AS row_num
    FROM Cleaned_Automotive_Logistics
    ORDER BY Quantity
  ) AS ordered
  WHERE row_num = CEIL(@percentile_1)
OR Quantity > (
  SELECT MAX(Quantity)
  FROM (
    SELECT Quantity,
           @row_num = @row_num + 1 AS row_num
    FROM Cleaned_Automotive_Logistics
    ORDER BY Quantity
  ) AS ordered
  WHERE row_num = CEIL(@percentile_99)

A similar check is done for all the other columns with numerical values

Standardise Text Data

UPDATE Cleaned_Automotive_Logistics
SET PartDescription = UPPER(PartDescription),
    SupplierName = UPPER(SupplierName),
    WarehouseLocation = UPPER(WarehouseLocation),
    SupplierLocation = UPPER(SupplierLocation),
    TransportMode = UPPER(TransportMode);

Data Consistency check

SELECT *, (Quantity * UnitCost) AS CalculatedTotalCost
FROM Cleaned_Automotive_Logistics
WHERE TotalCost != (Quantity * UnitCost);

-- Update TotalCost to correct discrepancies
UPDATE Cleaned_Automotive_Logistics
SET TotalCost = Quantity * UnitCost
WHERE TotalCost != (Quantity * UnitCost);

Revalidate Data Types

DESCRIBE Cleaned_Automotive_Logistics;

Revalidated data types

Missing Values Check

SELECT * FROM Cleaned_Automotive_Logistics
WHERE OrderDate IS NULL OR EstimatedDeliveryDate IS NULL OR ActualDeliveryDate IS NULL 
OR Quantity IS NULL OR UnitCost IS NULL OR TransportMode IS NULL 
OR TransportCost IS NULL OR WarehouseID IS NULL OR WarehouseLocation IS NULL 
OR WarehouseCapacity IS NULL OR CurrentInventory IS NULL 
OR SupplierName IS NULL OR SupplierLocation IS NULL OR TotalCost IS NULL 
OR LeadTimeDays IS NULL;

Data range Validation

-- Example for Quantity
SELECT MIN(Quantity), MAX(Quantity) FROM Cleaned_Automotive_Logistics;

-- Example for UnitCost
SELECT MIN(UnitCost), MAX(UnitCost) FROM Cleaned_Automotive_Logistics;

-- Example for TransportCost
SELECT MIN(TransportCost), MAX(TransportCost) FROM Cleaned_Automotive_Logistics;

-- Example for LeadTimeDays
SELECT MIN(LeadTimeDays), MAX(LeadTimeDays) FROM Cleaned_Automotive_Logistics;

Sample queries

Now that the data is cleaned and tested for integrity, we can perform sample queries to ensure consitency and correctness. Here are a few queries that can be performed:

-- Query to get the total number of orders per supplier
SELECT SupplierID, SupplierName, COUNT(*) AS TotalOrders
FROM Cleaned_Automotive_Logistics
GROUP BY SupplierID, SupplierName;
-- Query to find the top 5 most expensive parts by unit cost
SELECT PartID, PartDescription, UnitCost
FROM Cleaned_Automotive_Logistics
-- Summary statistics for TransportCost
SELECT AVG(TransportCost) AS AvgTransportCost, MIN(TransportCost) AS MinTransportCost, MAX(TransportCost) AS MaxTransportCost, STDDEV(TransportCost) AS StdDevTransportCost
FROM Cleaned_Automotive_Logistics;



PowerBI Dashboard

The dashboard has been created with 6 different pages and an additional navigation pane. Here are the visuals for each of the pages:

Navigation Pane



Supplier Perfromance

Supplier Performance

Warehouse Operations

Warehouse Operations

Transport Performance

Transport Performance

Delivery Performance

Delivery Performance

Cost Analysis

Cost Analysis

Dax Measures

1. Order ID

OrderID = CONVERT('automotive_logistics cleaned_automotive_logistics'[SupplierID], STRING) & 
    "_" & 
    CONVERT('automotive_logistics cleaned_automotive_logistics'[PartID], STRING) & 
    "_" & 
    FORMAT('automotive_logistics cleaned_automotive_logistics'[OrderDate], "YYYYMMDD")

2. Route

Route = 'automotive_logistics cleaned_automotive_logistics'[SupplierLocation] & "-" & 'automotive_logistics cleaned_automotive_logistics'[WarehouseLocation]

3. On Time Delivery Rate

On Time Delivery Rate = 
VAR TotalOrders = COUNTROWS('automotive_logistics cleaned_automotive_logistics')
VAR OnTimeDeliveries = COUNTROWS(
        'automotive_logistics cleaned_automotive_logistics',
        'automotive_logistics cleaned_automotive_logistics'[ActualDeliveryDate] <= 'automotive_logistics cleaned_automotive_logistics'[EstimatedDeliveryDate]))
DIVIDE(OnTimeDeliveries, TotalOrders, 0)

4. Inventory Utilisation

Inventory Utilisation = 
    SUM('automotive_logistics cleaned_automotive_logistics'[CurrentInventory]),
    SUM('automotive_logistics cleaned_automotive_logistics'[WarehouseCapacity])

5. Delayed deliveries

Delayed Deliveries = 
    COUNTROWS('automotive_logistics cleaned_automotive_logistics'),
    'automotive_logistics cleaned_automotive_logistics'[ActualDeliveryDate] > 'automotive_logistics cleaned_automotive_logistics'[EstimatedDeliveryDate]

6. Estimated delivery in days

Estimated delivery days = 
DATEDIFF('automotive_logistics cleaned_automotive_logistics'[OrderDate],'automotive_logistics cleaned_automotive_logistics'[EstimatedDeliveryDate],DAY)

7. Actual Delivery in days

Actual Delivery days = 
DATEDIFF('automotive_logistics cleaned_automotive_logistics'[OrderDate],'automotive_logistics cleaned_automotive_logistics'[ActualDeliveryDate],DAY)

8. Late Deliveries in days

Late Deliveries = 
'automotive_logistics cleaned_automotive_logistics'[Estimated delivery days] - 'automotive_logistics cleaned_automotive_logistics'[Actual Delivery days]



  1. Who are the top 5 suppliers by quantity supplied?
  2. What are the top 3 parts ordered the most?
  3. What is the average lead time?
  4. What is the on time delivery rate?
  5. Which mode of transport is the best option?
  6. Which supplier is best for each category of the part?
  7. Which warehouse has the best inventory turnover rate?

1. Top 5 suppliers by quanitty supplied

SupplierName TotalQuantity
SUPPLIER_376 8445
SUPPLIER_390 7342
SUPPLIER_126 7337
SUPPLIER_55 7273
SUPPLIER_304 6933

SQL Query

SELECT SupplierName, SUM(Quantity) AS TotalQuantity
FROM cleaned_automotive_logistics
GROUP BY SupplierName
ORDER BY TotalQuantity DESC

2. Top 3 most ordered parts

PartDescription TotalOrdered
DOOR 165268
SEAT 157901

SQL Query

SELECT PartDescription, SUM(Quantity) AS TotalOrdered
FROM cleaned_automotive_logistics
GROUP BY PartDescription
ORDER BY TotalOrdered DESC

3. Average Lead Time


SQL Query

SELECT AVG(LeadTimeDays) AS AverageLeadTime
FROM cleaned_automotive_logistics;

4. On Time Delivery Rate


SQL Query

  (SUM(CASE WHEN ActualDeliveryDate <= EstimatedDeliveryDate THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) / COUNT(*)) * 100 AS OnTimeDeliveryRate
FROM cleaned_automotive_logistics;

5. Best Transport Mode

TransportMode AvgCost
RAIL 1050.43

SQL Query

SELECT TransportMode, AVG(TransportCost) AS AvgCost
FROM cleaned_automotive_logistics
GROUP BY TransportMode

6. Best Supplier for each part

PartDescription SupplierName AvgLeadTime
DOOR SUPPLIER_176 2.0000
SEAT SUPPLIER_283 2.0000
TIRE SUPPLIER_234 2.0000

SQL Query

SELECT t.PartDescription, t.SupplierName, t.AvgLeadTime
    SELECT PartDescription, SupplierName, AVG(LeadTimeDays) AS AvgLeadTime,
           ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY PartDescription ORDER BY AVG(LeadTimeDays)) AS rn
    FROM cleaned_automotive_logistics
    GROUP BY PartDescription, SupplierName
) t
WHERE t.rn = 1;

7. Top warehouse by turnover rate

WarehouseLocation InventoryTurnoverRate
LONDON 91.4150

SQL Query

SELECT WarehouseLocation, (SUM(Quantity) / AVG(CurrentInventory)) AS InventoryTurnoverRate
FROM cleaned_automotive_logistics
GROUP BY WarehouseLocation
ORDER BY InventoryTurnoverRate DESC


We discovered that

  1. The top 5 suppliers by quantity supplied are SUPPLIER_376, SUPPLIER_390, Supplier_126, Supplier_55, and Supplier_304, indicating their significant contribution to the supply chain.
  2. The most ordered parts are Windshield, Door, and Seat, reflecting their high demand. The high demand for the secondary parts can indicate that there might be a shortage of supply.
  3. The average lead time across all orders is approximately 14 days, suggesting a moderate waiting period between order placement and delivery.
  4. The on-time delivery rate is approx. 40.53% indicating that majority of deliveries are delayed. More data around thie cause of dealy needs to be collected and analysed to improve hthe overall efficiency.
  5. Rail Transport has been identified as the most cost effective mode of transport based on the average cost.
  6. The best suppliers for each category has been identified based on the average lead time.
  7. Best performing warehouse locations have been identified as Edinburgh, Birmingham and London, based on the inventory turnover rate. This indicated efficient inventory management and rapid stock movement.


  1. Strengthen Supplier Relationships Develop strategic long-term partnerships with the top 5 suppliers (SUPPLIER_376, SUPPLIER_390, Supplier_126, Supplier_55, and Supplier_304) to ensure reliable supply and negotiate better terms. Utilise tools like the Kraljic Matrix and Dutch Windmill framework for strategic design of the partership framework.
  2. Focus on High-Demand Parts Increase the stock levels of the most ordered parts (Windshield, Door, and Seat) to meet high demand and prevent potential shortages.
  3. Reduce Lead Time Implement process improvements and work closely with suppliers to reduce the average lead time, aiming for a target below the current 14-day average.
  4. Improve On-Time Delivery Rate Investigate the reasons behind the low on-time delivery rate (40.53%) and implement corrective actions such as better planning, improved communication with suppliers, and enhanced logistics coordination.
  5. Optimize Transport Costs Utilize rail transport more frequently as it has been identified as the most cost-effective mode, balancing cost savings with delivery speed and reliability.
  6. Leverage Best Suppliers for Each Part Category Ensure that the identified best suppliers for each part category are prioritized in procurement to maintain low lead times and high-quality standards.
  7. Adopt Best Practices in Inventory Management Implement inventory management practices from the top-performing warehouses (Edinburgh, Birmingham, and London) across all locations to improve turnover rates and reduce holding costs.

Action Plan

Supplier Relationship Management

Inventory Optimization for High-Demand Parts

Lead Time Reduction Initiatives

Enhance Delivery Performance

Cost-Effective Transport Solutions

Supplier Selection and Management

Inventory Management Enhancement

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Monitoring Methods

Supplier Relationship Management


Monitoring Methods

Inventory Optimization for High-Demand Parts


Monitoring Methods

Lead Time Reduction Initiatives


Monitoring Methods

Enhance Delivery Performance


Monitoring Methods

Cost-Effective Transport Solutions


Monitoring Methods

Supplier Selection and Management


Monitoring Methods

Inventory Management Enhancement


Monitoring Methods


This project aimed to optimize the logistics and supply chain processes for a vehicle manufacturer. By analyzing supplier performance, inventory turnover, transportation costs, and delivery efficiency, we identified key areas for improvement. The top suppliers were highlighted for strategic partnership development, and high-demand parts were pinpointed for inventory optimization. We discovered that the average lead time and on-time delivery rates needed significant improvement. Rail transport emerged as the most cost-effective mode. Based on these insights, we formulated a comprehensive set of recommendations and an actionable plan to enhance supply chain efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure timely delivery of parts and components. Implementing these strategies will support Just-In-Time (JIT) manufacturing and overall operational excellence.