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SuperStore Sales Analysis

Superstore Sales analysis

Table of Contents


The primary objective of this analysis is to derive insights from the Superstore’s sales data to answer the following key questions:

  1. What is the total revenue generated by the store?
  2. Which category of products contributes the most to sales?
  3. How has the sales trend been for the past year?
  4. Which region has the highest sales and which one has the lowest?
  5. What is the average profit margin of the store?

User Story

As the General Manager, I want to identify the bestselling products and the recent trends, so that I can decide on which products would be best to run marketing campaigns on to generate a good ROI.

Data Source

The data for this analysis is sourced from the Superstore Sales dataset, which includes detailed information on orders, returns, users, and various dashboards and pivot tables. The dataset comprises multiple sheets:

The data is sourced from Kaggle (an Excel extract), see here to find it


The project is divided into several stages:

  1. Data Exploration
  2. Data Cleaning
  3. Data Transformation
  4. Testing
  5. Analysis
  6. Visualisation
  7. Recommendations
  8. Conclusion


Dashboard components required

What should the dashboard contain based on the requirements provided?


The design phase includes creating mockups to visualize the expected output of the dashboards and reports. Mockups help in understanding the layout and design elements that will be used in the final visualizations.

Some of the data visuals that may be appropriate in answering our questions include:

  1. Line Chart
  2. Bar Chart
  3. Scorecards
  4. Pie Chart


Tools Used

This project analysis has been conducted entirely within Excel to showcase the depth of knowlege with the toold and the expertise.


Data Exploration Steps

How can we approach the problem to create a solution from start to finish?

  1. Get the data from a reliable data source
  2. Explore the data in Excel to check for any errors that standout
  3. Create addtional columns using to find the distinct orders, return rate, and distinct return rate
  4. Create pivot tables to summarise customers and order data, sales data and product data
  5. Create pivot charts to visualise the data
  6. Create slicers to ease the navigation through the data
  7. Arrange the visualisation dashboards
  8. Generate the findings based on the insights
  9. Write the documentation + commentary
  10. Publish the insights generated

Data exploration notes

This is the stage where we scan the data for errors, inconcsistencies, bugs, weird and corrupted characters etc.

The data exploration stage involves understanding the structure of the raw data. The key findings from each sheet in the SuperStoreUS-2015.xlsx file are summarized below:

  1. Orders Sheet: Contains detailed order information including sales, profit, product categories, and customer details.
  2. Returns Sheet: Lists the orders that were returned.
  3. Users Sheet: Provides information on regional managers.

Additionally the sheets contain the following columsn;

What are the initial observations with this dataset? What’s caught our attention so far?

  1. The dataset includes detailed order information with relevant dates, sales and profit figures. The initial exploration reveales that the quality of the data is high and we have everything we need to perform the analysis.
  2. The Returns and Users sheets contains data that can be linked to orders through ‘Order ID’ and ‘Region’.
  3. There are some blanks and irregular data that needs to be cleaned before conducting the analysis.
  4. There is a need to calculate the dintinct number of orders and returns.

Data cleaning

The aim is to refine the dataset to ensure it is structured and ready for analysis.

The cleaned data should meet the following criteria and constraints:

  1. Removing any duplicate entries in the orders IDs
  2. Handling any missing values in critical columns like sales and profit

Below is a table outlining the our cleaned dataset:

Sheet Number of Rows Number of Columns
Orders 1952 25
Returns 1635 2
Users 5 2

Transform the data

Before we can begin analysing the data it is necessary to transform the data with a few addtional columns to make it more coherent and usable.

The below additional columns have been created using the formulae shown :

Distinct Customer Count

=IF(COUNTIF(G$2:G2,G2)=1,"New Customer","Returning Customer")

Customer Count Distinct

=IF(H2="New Customer",1,0)

Order Day


Delivery Days


Is Discount

=IF(C2=0,"No Discount","After Discount")

Distinct Order Count


Distinct Return Status

=IF(AG2="Not Returned",0,1)

Further to the above additonal columns, a few other columns have been added from other sheets using the XLOOKUP formula to amalgamate all the data on a single sheet to ease the analysis process.


To ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data, several tests were conducted:

Row Count Check

Checked all rows in column A to ensure the count matches the expected number of records (1952) Formula Used


Column Count Check

Checked all columns in row 1 to ensure all 25 columns and the additional added 9 columns are present Formula Used


Duplicate Check

Missing Values Check:

Checked ‘Sales’, ‘Profit’ and ‘Order Date’ columns for any missing values and ensured that these critical fields were filled. Formula Used



For the analysis we use a range of pivot tables to gain insights around sales, products and customer orders.

Here are the key questions we are looking to answer:

  1. What is the total revenue generated by the store?
  2. Which category of products contributes the most to sales?
  3. How has the sales trend been for the past year?
  4. Which region has the highest sales and which one has the lowest?
  5. What is the average profit margin of the store?

Here are the calculated fields created to ease the analysis using pivot tables:

Profit Margin
Average Order Value
=Sales/Distinct Order Count
Return Rate
=Distinct Return Status/Quantity Ordered New

Now that there are all the necessary fields to analyse the data, pivot tables are created to analyse sales, products and customer and order trends. Below are the images of the pivot tables created for each one,

Sales Analysis

Sales Analysis

Product Analysis

Product Analysis

Customer and Order Analysis

Customer and Order Analysis

Here are the key findings that answer our questions,

1. Total Revenue Generated by the Store

Year Revenue (in M)
2015 $ 1.650M

2. Category of Products that Contibute to Most Sales

Row Labels Sum of Sales
Technology $ 594.06K
Furniture $ 573.14K
Office Supplies $ 482.37K

3. Sales Trend

Sales Trend

4. Regional Sales

Regional Sales

5. Average Profit Margin

Year Avg Profit Margin (in %)
2015 14%


Customer and Order Analysis

Customer and Order Analysis

Sales Analysis

Sales Analysis

Product Analysis

Product Analysis


  1. The category contributing the most to sales is Technology with sales amounting to $ 594.06K. This indicates a strong market demand for technology products. Ensuring ample stock and focused marketing on these products can maximize revenue.
  2. Analyzing the sales trend for the past year reveals seasonal peaks and troughs. There is a significant increase in the revenue generated during the holiday season sales. Planning promotions and inventory accordingly for these peak times can optimize sales.
  3. The region with the highest sales is the East with $ 526.14K in sales. This region should receive focused marketing and resource allocation to further capitalize on its high performance. Conversely, the “South” region with sales of $ 284.04K indicates potential underperformance. Strategies such as localized promotions or identifying regional preferences could help boost sales.
  4. The average profit margin calculated from the data is approximately 10.2%. The pricing startegies and operational efficiency can be further improved to generate more profits.

Action Plans

Product Category Focus

Sales Trend Optimisation

Regional Sales Strategies

Profit Margin Improvement

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to Monitor

  1. Sales Growth: Measure the percentage increase in sales for technology products and other key categories.
  2. Profit Margin: Track the improvement in overall profit margin percentage.
  3. Inventory Turnover: Monitor the rate at which inventory is sold and replaced.
  4. Customer Retention Rate: Measure the effectiveness of loyalty programs in retaining customers during off-peak months.
  5. Regional Sales Performance: Compare sales performance across different regions, focusing on improvements in the South region.

Based on our comprehensive analysis, implementing this action plan will yield optimal results for Superstore. Regular reviews are essential to closely assess improvements and determine what strategies are effective. By conducting these reviews, we can identify areas for adjustment and implement necessary tweaks to enhance our processes, ensuring sustained growth and success.